Coffee, rain, quartet, cigarettes, cold, coffee, music, footsteps, cigarette, grey people, white people, red people, black people - conversate, turn back, leave - coffee, cigarettes, warmth, green people - love, silence, two wide shut eyes, disgust, turn back, leave - motionless walking, half an hour, fury, red wine, smile, cigarettes, strings, fingers, artificial warmth - turn back, leave - words, sounds, skin patches, dark silence - -
swallow; exhale; sip; inhale . .
We live our days by our own prefferrence centering it around our own habbits and ritualistic actions.
Solitude - I am my closest friend; I am the center of every thought and action; Each place I stop, my solitude anchors me there; "Each sentence begins with an I "; 'friends' are my mere tools of passing of my time; Each plan is perfect and is affected at some level by my self-motivation; Other people`s interference just causes uncertainty so I turn back to my own dialogues; -=My solitude equals certainty; certainty equals my safety=-
Two - We are two; We may be or simply just think we are each other`s centers of thoughts and actions; Each place we stop our love may anchor us there or though our feet may lead us in different directions; Our interference in words and actions may just cause confusion; Self-motivation shifts to expectations based on our own knowledge about ourselves; We may feel unequal, unappreciated, unloved.. ; -=Our companion equals uncertainty; uncertainty equals distrust and chaos; your lies equal leaving me outside in the windy cold rain anchored to my memories of you=- Love - Love is . . Love is not; I know, you know, he knows, they know, she knows, we know; Love is not "Solitude" nor "Two".

Please show me what it is . . or let me walk back to my bitter-cosy solitude .
Un comentariu:
M-am gandit, chiar m-am gandit. La tot ce ai zis,la tot ce ai vrut sa ascult. Ideea este ca stiu exact ce ai nevoie... teoretic stiu tot ce ar trebui sa fac (ca de atatea ori pana acum) si vreau. Asta este. VREAU asta. Si momentan nu stiu sa imi imaginez un viitor fara tine. Pentru ca asta e iubirea noastra - mereu o lupta pentru viitorul perfect comun. Uneori am tras eu, alteori tu, uneori a fost foarte rau, alteori minunat, dar stiam mereu pentru ce facem asta...
Si vreau si vreau si vreau sa cred in mine ca pot sa ne repar.
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